Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm excited about moving back home because the temperature is much better for outside cardio and there are a lot of hills to run up and down. I think there are like 3 hills here :-/ It will be nice not to look like a tomato head while running too. I get so red in the face when I do cardio here!
Incline Bench Press
warmup, then 60kg x 3 x 8
I haven't done this exercise in like, forever. I was going to flat bench press, but thought I'd do something different.
Inverted Rows 4 x 8
KB Rows 3 x 8 x 30kg
Seated Dumbell Cleans 3 x 8 x 6kgs
I found my tennis ball in my bag, so in between sets of the inverted rows I was rolling my triceps and triceps tendon - yowww. It's still very tight and sore. I didn't actually realise it was that bad until the massage therapist had a go at it on Monday - it felt really hard and tense.
Diet this week has been pretty sporadic. Not nearly enough protein and I've been swapping my dinner for naps instead. I'll try to be better in the coming days - I'm actually making my lunch for tomorrow right now!
New Scientist Essay Extract
Contestants in the Fitness America competition pose for a photograph, Redondo Beach, California. The body has become a primary expression of individual identity for women and girls in contemporary American culture, and many girls put an enormous amount of energy and attention into their appearance (Image: Lauren Greenfield / VII)
"UNTIL very recently, we took our bodies for granted. We hoped we would be blessed with good health and, especially if we are female, good looks. Those who saw their body as their temple, or became magnificent athletes or iconic beauties, were the exception: we didn't expect to be like them. Like gifted scientists, historians, writers, directors, explorers or cooks, their talents extended and enhanced the world we lived in, but we didn't expect this beauty, prowess or brain power of ourselves.
Over the past 25 years, however, the notion of the empowered consumer, along with the workings of the diet, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic surgery and style industries, and the affordability and availability of their products have made us view our bodies as something we can and should perfect. Looking good for ourselves will make us feel good, we believe.
These days, inboxes are full of invitations to enlarge penises or breasts, to purchase the pleasure and potency booster Viagra, to try the latest herbal or pharmaceutical preparation to lose weight. The exhortations have fooled spam filters and popular science pages, which, too, sing of implants and pills to augment body or brain and new methods of reproduction which bypass old biology.
Mothers can buy bra sets for their babies or rubber stilettos, little girls can go on the Miss Bimbo website to create a virtual doll, keep it "waif" thin with diet pills and buy it breast implants and facelifts. They are primed to be teenagers who will dream of new thighs, noses or breasts. Simultaneously, governments warn of an epidemic of obesity. Your body, these phenomena shout, is your canvas to be fixed, remade and enhanced. Join in. Enjoy. Be part of it. Be wary of it. But, above all, fix it.
So why is bodily contentment so hard to find? Why are body transformations, from sex change, to the drive to amputate good limbs, to cosmetic surgery, if not ubiquitous, then a growing part of public consciousness? Why is sex a must-have, wrapped up with performance and saturated with fantasy in a way that would have Freud reeling? What is the deep appeal of extreme makeover TV shows? What is wrong with our bodies as they are?"
The notion that biology need no longer be destiny, and the belief in both the perfectible body and the idea we should relish or at least accede to improving our own all contribute to the idea of a progressively unstable sense of our body, a body which to an alarming degree is becoming a site of serious suffering.
In an updating and democratising of the habit of the leisured classes of decorating themselves for amusement and as a marker of social standing, we are invited to take up this activity too. Something new is happening: our bodies are and have become a form of work. The body is turning from being the means of production to the production itself.
Interesting thoughts by Susie Orbach who's essay was published in New Scientist recently. It's an extract from her new book called "Bodies"
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Workout
Front Squats
warmup, then 65kg x 3, 6 sets
I haven't done these in ages but they felt really good! I think using the safety squat bar has helped a lot.
Romanian Deadlifts
warmup, then 90kg x 5, 5 sets
I had to bust out the straps for the last set. I nearly dropped the last rep of the 4th set!
Split Squats
3 x 10 x 55kg
Glute Ham Raises
3 x 8 x 5kg
Cardio today was walking - about 1 hours worth. Luckily it was overcast today so it wasn't so bad out. When the sun is out in full force it's awful walking outside in the afternoon.
I had a massage today and my upper back was soooo tight! The therapist really went hard and it hurt in places. I think a lot of it comes from work as I use my left hand/arm a lot holding it up so it stresses the back a little. I also have a bit of tendinitis of the tricep tendon and when she massaged that it hurt a lot. I'm probably going to have to tennis ball it regularly.
I had some yummy foods today. Seafood salad packed with prawns, pear pie with a walnut base instead of sweet pastry, chicken and spinach quiche without the crust (and some whole eggs substituted for eggwhites) and raw fish salad!!
Okay, I know you guys are probably sick of bunnies right now but I just have to add these pictures. I've been looking at bunny pictures all day *blush*. I think I'm pretty much settled on getting a Flemish Giant now... at least I'm strong enough to pick it up easy. They can grow up to 10kg! Matt likes the fawn coloured but I really like the blue.

I am so damn excited it's not funny. I've wanted another rabbit for years but never got one because I knew I wasn't settled down anywhere and was going to move/travel. Finally the time has come!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Howard Rules!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
On The Buses
I have a new recipe for you guys. It's nothing new, just a quiche :-P I've made it twice now - one last night and one tonight. Last night I just had vegetables in it - spinach, onion, broccoli, red pepper and tomato. Tonight it was mushroom and chicken and it was soooo good!

7 whole eggs
250g low fat cottage cheese
1/2 onion chopped
enough puff pastry to line your pan (I used 1 sheet of the ready made stuff)
sea salt & cracked pepper to taste
whatever vegetables you want to use
if you want chicken - I used about 250g raw weight and boiled & shredded the chicken
your choice of herbs if wanted
Whisk eggs together and then add cottage cheese, salt and pepper and blend together with a stick blender. Stir in onion, your choice of vegetables and chicken if desired. Line your baking dish with puff pastry (I used a 9" pie dish) and pour egg mixture into dish. Bake at 220 degrees celsius for about 50 minutes then lower the heat to 150 degrees celsius for 10 minutes. Bear in mind my oven is a load of crap so your cooking times will vary. Basically, keep an eye on it! The quiche is excellent for lunches and even a quick breakfast!
If you want to make it even lower calorie, omit the pastry to make it crustless and reduce some of the the whole eggs used and replace with egg whites!
I also made Chilled Avocado Soup last night to have with the quiche and it was sooo good! I served it slightly lukewarm though because I didn't really feel like having stone cold soup. Definitely try it. That blog has some good recipes actually!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I feel...
I just spend the last half hour cooing over bunny pictures. I'm probably going to go to the animal shelter first, but if I can't find bunny there, I'm thinking of getting either a Flemish Giant (bottom photo) or something more medium sized like the Dutch breed (top photo).

The Flemish Giants grow to about the size of a medium sized cat (or a little larger) and they're a little stockier than cats. Apparently they're one of the most friendliest breeds. My old bunny was just a mongrel, but she was great!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My New Bag.

It's pretty big actually! I better brush up on my handbag weapon skills!
Funny thing is, I've noticed big bags are "in" these days; they remind me of my Mum actually. When I was around 10, 11, 12 etc. Mum used to carry around this huge bag. It was like one of those leather weekend bags that you put your clothes and toiletries in for a quick getaway, except Mum used to use it as her handbag. I thought it was soooooo embarrassing because she was carrying around this huge handbag and everyone else's Mum was sporting a small cute handbag. We always nagged at her to get rid of it but she said she loved it because it carried everything she needed. Mum would totally be fashionable now if she had that damned bag... LOL.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Overhead Press
warmup: band pullaparts x10 behind, x10 front. 20kg x 8, 30kg x 5, 35kg x 4, 40kg x 2
sets: 45kg x 4 x 4
I haven't overhead pressed regularly for at least a year! I remember doing one workout with it after my last comp, but nada since then.
BW x5 x 5
Inverted Rows 5 x 6
EZ Bar Curls
Bar + 20kg x 10, 3 sets
Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 10
Cardio: 30 minutes on recumbent bike, 9.75km, 261 cals
I felt a little ill while doing cardio - I think I ate way too close to working out.

Ingredients: Shredded broiled chicken, 2 ripe pears, handful of walnuts, salad greens. Dressing = 3/4 cup greek yoghurt, juice of half lime, chopped parsley.
We went to see Watchmen tonight - was a decent movie.
Ooooh, it's St. Patrick's Day tomorrow. I urge you to make Steak and Guinness Pie to celebrate!
Monday, March 16, 2009
100th Post!

Well, actually, I made the pie just because I bought a load of pears the other day because they were on special at the supermarket and I needed to use them up.
The pie was really very delicious. There's only like a 1/4 of it left now... haha!
Pear Pie
6 pears, cubed
2/3 cup splenda or your choice or sweetener or even regular sugar
2 Tbsp plain flour
2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice
1/2 tsp crushed ginger
1 unbaked 9" pie shell or your own pastry lining a 9" pie pan
Mix pears, sugar, flour, citrus juice and ginger in a bowl. Pour into pie shell and back at 190 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes.
Most fruit pie recipes have crumble type topping but I decided to make a meringue type topping instead. I used 2 eggs and whipped until they formed still peaks, then added about 1/2 cup of castor sugar and beat it into the egg mixture. About 10 minutes before the pie was done I took it out of the oven and smothered on the meringue mixture and baked for a further 10 minutes.
This weekend has been pretty relaxing. I still have another day to go before my weekend is officially over. I only worked half a day this Saturday and Saturday night we went out for dinner. I had Barramundi (fish) baked with lemon butter sauce, chips and salad. The lemon butter sauce did not fare well in my tummy. An hour later after sitting in pain I absolutely had to go to the toilet. It happens a lot actually, any time I eat something very creamy or buttery or fatty that I don't usually eat, I get the runs really bad (TMI, sorry). I hate my stomach sometimes - it's either bloated or complaining about something I ate.
Anyway, after dinner we went to the bar for beers, conversation and people watching. Met up with a few friends and stumbled home about 1am. Today, I woke up about 8am and really didn't do anything all day. Just read blogs and napped and watched a bit of TV. I found some nice recipes that I want to try out too.
No training at all this weekend. I was meant to go to the gym yesterday to get in an upper body workout and cardio - that never happened. Today I thought I'd go for cardio and that never happened either - just wasn't in the mood for it. Not to worry, I did need a rest as I have been feeling very tired lately.
I still have some pears here that I will use tomorrow. I'm thinking of making chicken, pear and walnut salad for lunch. Also, I found a few soup recipes I want to try. One is an avocado soup the other is a mushroom and walnut soup. Yum! I also just acquired a Ginger Pear Pumpkin Soup recipe... I do have some pumpkin in the fridge too. Oh, the possibilities!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Simple Baked Cheesecake
warmup: SSB x 8, SSB + 30 x 5, SSB + 40 x 3, SSB + 50 x 2
sets: SSB + 57kg x 4, 3 sets
Glute Ham Raises
4 x 8 x 6kg behind head
No time to do single leg work.
Cardio: 30 minutes incline walking on treadmill @ 6.0% incline & 6.7km/hr
I had a footlong meatball sandwich from Subway today. Jared would not have approved. It was soooo good. Over half my days calories but tasty nonetheless :-D
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Training Update
Since I missed my workout on Thursday, I decided to combine workouts. I didn't do the full two days combined - just picked out the main exercises
2 Board
warmup benching: 20kg x 8, 50kg x 5, 60kg x 3, 70kg x 2
sets: 80kg x 1 x 2, 85kg x FAIL :-/, 75kg x 3 x 3, 80kg x 3 x 2
That was interesting. I don't think I was warmed up properly initially, as it started to get way easier to lift as I did more sets.
Inverted Rows - 4 x 8
Squats (with SSB)
warmup: bar x 6, SSB + 30 x 5, SSB + 50 x 2 x 2
sets: SSB + 60kg x 3 x 2, SSB + 60kg x 2, SSB + 50 x3
I had to dump the weight on the last set of 60kg. Just wasn't feeling it today with the squats.
Glute Ham Raises - 3 x 8 x 5kg behind head
DB Curls - 2 x 10 x 12.5kg, 1 x 10 x 10kgs
Cardio: 30 minutes incline walking on treadmill
Saturday I didn't workout. I had planned to go for a walk maybe after work but just ended up relaxing when I got home. I was late to work today :-S First time I've done that in a couple of years!
Sunday, no full on training but I did go to the gym with Matt and we did some cardio on the recumbent bikes. I've never done intervals on them before but Matt does his all the time on the recumbent bike. I actually really liked it. It was pretty hard but felt "different", maybe cos I've never done it before on this piece of equipment. I did 1 minute on, 1 minute off. The watts of the intervals were between 303-344W. Total 4.45km.
Also did:
Kettlebell swings - 6 sets of 30 swings with 30 seconds rest.
Seated Dumbell Cleans - 3 x 10 x 6kg
The rest of Sunday we met some friends at the bar and then went to see Gran Turino. I loved it! If you haven't seen it yet, definitely go see it.
Monday, no training. We ended up staying out real late on Sunday - till 4am!
Bench Press
warmup: 20kg x 8, 40kg x 6, 50kg x 5, 60kg x 3, 70kg x 2, 75kg x 1
sets: 80kg x 1 x 3, 82kg x 3 x 3
Bench felt awesome today. I even had a really quick recovery time between sets. I was doing a set every 60-90 seconds. Normally I can get a bit wiped out from them, but this time I felt great! You may have noticed I'm keeping my benching sets very low. It's mostly so I don't grow any more in my upper body because I've reached my comfort limit for upper body size. The singles will allow me to work my strength but not grow (or grow very little).
Kettle Bell Rows
32kg x 10
36kg x 8 x 2
Rolling Tricep Extensions
3 x 10 x 8kg
Inverted Rows
Cardio: 30 minutes incline walking on treadmill @ 6.7km/hr, 5.5% incline. Total 3.36km
That brings me to today. I had a rest day today... no training or cardio. I was thinking of going for a walk around the block but I ended up falling asleep after work. I'm actually feeling pretty wrecked these days; even though I get at least 7 hours sleep (I probably get close to 10 hours a day including naps) I feel pretty tired for work and just have to force myself out of bed. I need a holiday or a little break - it's been about 6 months since my last one. I won't be going anywhere soon but when we move that will be my break.
I was talking to Matt on the weekend about maybe doing another competition in October. He has a plan up his sleeve for the prep, so I thought it might be fun to try it out. It sounds like something that would suit me. I tend to respond better to cyclical type programs, especially diet-wise.
Speaking of diet, you will be happy to hear that I haven't had much Pepsi Max since the previous weekend. I have been drinking soda water with lime and just the occasional glass of Pepsi or Coke. I've probably had 2 full glasses since I decided to stop. Go me!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I came across something in someone's online journal that made me almost physically ill.
"Why does God allow evil in the world?" and I surprised myself by knowing the answer: so that He can glorify Himself in redeeming fallen humanity. If there were no evil, there could be no sin; if there were no sin, there could be no grace; and if there were no grace and mercy from God, we wouldn't praise and glorify Him the way He deserves it as sovereign Creator of all.
So some of you may have heard of the Victorian bush fires in Australia. Imagine god "allowing" someone to set fire to the bush so people can sing his praises because he is good.
I met someone that died in the fires - a little girl just a few months ago. Her father came into my work last weekend. I asked him how he was.... he said, not very good actually (looking very serious). I said, I hope it's not too serious... then he went on to say he had lost two children in the fires - a boy and a girl. I was shocked... I then said: my gosh, that little girl I saw a few months ago? He said yes... and her brother.
That poor man. He really really loves his children - I could see it. And all for god's glory.
So, god does these things so he can look good? Get real people.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Rest Day
Yesterday was an off day from weights too, but I did get out for a 35 minute brisk walk in the park and streets.
Food was good today. I made some yummy stuff and kept within my calories:
M1 - Avocado, Banana, Cottage Cheese. I read banana and avocado was good together, but it's actually a little strange, not bad strange just strange. Try with caution. It did leave me quite full though.
M2 - 2 Plums
M3 - Turkey Leg Meat, Baked Cauliflower Casserole
Snack - Candy Corn... nom nom
M4 - Baked Capsicum stuffed with feta cheese, low fat sour cream, basil leaves & spinach + Prosciutto & Basil Pesto Lamb
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sooooo Tired
I did go to the gym today! I've reverted back to one of my old programs that I enjoyed, but changed the rep and set scheme a little.
Bench Press
warmup: 20kg x 8, 40kg x 5, 50kg x 5, 60kg x 3, 70kg x 2
sets: 75kg x 1, 80kg x 1, 6 sets
Close Grip Rack Lockouts
90kg x 5, 2 sets
Inverted Rows 2 x 10
Pushups (feet elevated) 2 x 10
Dumbell Row
30kg x 10, 3 sets
Bicep Curls 3 x 10 x 50lbs
Tricep Pushdown (V Bar) 3 x 10
Cardio: 30 minute incline walking on treadmill
Then I ran home because it was pouring down and I got soaked :-/ I didn't have my umbrella with me. I need a new one anyway, my little carry-around one is busted.
My diet today was absolute shit. I have no idea of how many calories I ate, but it was in the 1800 range. Only 55g protein :-/ Nevermind. Tomorrow is another day. I find on my days off work I'm less organised and tend to just eat whatever, even though I should be diligent with it.
I hope I feel more refreshed tomorrow. It's really hard going back to work feeling exhausted and the week has only begun.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Weekend Shennanigans
warmup: SSB x 8, SSB + 20kg x 5, + 30kg x 3, + 50kg x 1
sets: SSB + 55kg x 5, 3 sets
I still seem to be improving on these which is great. I found this weight very challenging but still able to push through. Next week I'll either increase it by 2kg or keep to this weight. My legs and butt is sore today.
Glute Ham Raises
4 x 10 x 7.5kg
Hard! I was thinking I might actually drop the weight on these next time and focus more on form. I can feel myself getting a little sloppy with it.
Bulgarian Squats
1 x 10 x 12kgs aside
2 x 10 x 16kgs aside
Cardio: 20 minutes on spin bike. Moderate effort.
Today, I didn't train but I went to the gym to help a friend out. She wants to gain some muscle all over so I showed her all the basic exercises - squats, benching, deadlifts, overhead press, pullups, strict rows as well as some other stuff she needed to work on. It was really fun training someone and she had a great time too learning new stuff. I even got her to bench like a powerlifter :-P she was benching like a bro before.... arms like wings and the bar going to her neck almost :-S My shoulders felt sore just watching her. In turn, the new form helped her a lot and she said she was never able to unrack the weight by herself until now. Now that I helped someone train in real life, I really don't know how people train others online..... there is just so much to screw up. I had to physically touch her or put her into position sometimes for her to get the form right. Everyone thinks they have great form, when in reality they don't. Even people that have got good form can get sloppy sometimes. I experienced this last year when I was training my deadlift - I had gotten sloppy and by working on it, I was able to lift more weight.
We then did about 15 minutes of aerobics. There was 3 of us and we all had a turn taking the "class". It was a combination of kickboxing, step, sexy aerobics (haha!) and just general stuff. It was a lot of fun and by the time we were done we were wasted!!! Because we had so much fun we're going to do it again next Sunday - probably 30-40 minutes next time with each of us taking the class for 5 minutes twice. If it works out okay we might even bring some extra friends to do the class... LOL. Good times. Fun stuff like this makes me sad to leave here *sigh*
After all this, Matt and I went out with a couple of friends for a picnic. I made fruit salad and that coconut carrot cake and they brought stuff for sandwiches. It was fantastic. My coconut carrot cake was *perfect* if I do say so myself. Nom nom. We then went for a walk on the beach and then home. I was soooo tired when I got home that I had a nap for like 4 hours.
I felt like I drank way too much this week. We went out Thursday night for beers and then last night too and got home about 2:30am. I should start drinking schooners instead of pints LOL. Although I like beer, I should really be watching my consumption beyond a few pints a week. It's really not very healthy.
I put on my work pants last night and they were tight *growl* so I think I might need to get a little more serious with my fat loss effort. It's quite good to have some "reference" clothes you want to fit back into. I find I get complacent with stuff sometimes because I'm happy with how I look, but in reality I'm bigger than I was before. It helps having a healthy ego HAHAHA. Now I totally understand how overweight/fat women can think they look great LOL. However, I don't want to buy new clothes because my work pants are part of my suit for work. So yes, I have a goal now.
Another reason why I think I still look good is because I think my fat patterns have changed. Either that or because of the extra muscle I carry now I have much more definition at a higher bodyfat percentage (is that even possible?). At the moment I still have striations in my delts, ab definition (top abs fairly visible, side definition), good back definition and I still have my quad seperation/definition. In the past if I looked like this in my upper body/abs I would be leaner in the lower body and be able to fit into my pants. It's interesting and I'm not the only one who has noticed that their bodyfat distribution has shifted over the years.
While we're speaking of goals, I also need to cut down on my diet drink consumption. I am actually getting a little sick of Pepsi Max to be honest. I've been drinking diet Sunkist or diet orange recently. Today I drank soda water instead and it was so refreshing.... I think I will switch to that. I still get the bubbles but no artificial sweetener or colouring.