Monday, August 23, 2010

A Productive Weekend

I had a pretty good weekend as I completed a lot of stuff I've been meaning to do:

- Vacuumed the kitchen, laundry, living room and hallway
- Mopped the kitchen and laundry
- Moved bunny back to her normal living area (I moved her because the bathroom was being painted, and I didn't want her to get sick from the fumes)
- Dusted everything in the living room
- Cleared the dining table so we can actually have dinner on it.
-Watered the orchids
- Had my Mum and brother over for afternoon tea
- Sowed seeds (tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum/pepper, basil, summer spinach, silverbeet/chard, kale) to plant in my Mum's garden when they're grown. 

For afternoon tea I made Jenny's Blueberry Bran Bread (modified quite a bit, since I didn't have all the ingredients),  sundried tomato pesto & ham sandwiches and Cranberry Muffins.

The sundried tomato pesto was easy to make.  I used sundried tomatoes in oil and pine nuts all blended till smooth.  It was the first time I've made it and it was so easy I don't think I'll ever buy pesto again!  It is so much cheaper to make it yourself than buy it.

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