Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night Sew In

I've decided to participate in this so I actually get off my ass and sew something.    Go HERE for details.

I've had a top cut out for ages that I have not yet attempted to sew together; I've forced myself into this commitment so I can get something done!  Tomorrow night will be half gone with going to the gym and cooking dinner, but no matter what I will get this done.

This is the pattern I am using (top A/pictured top)

This is the material I am using to make the top

If it seems familiar, it probably is because embarrassingly I posted about making this top over a year ago *blush*  Crikey, that's really bad.  Sewing is probably the only thing I am really good about procrastinating about.  Well, that and cleaning sometimes, but sewing is definitely the worst!

I will report back on the weekend to show you the end result, perhaps even with me wearing it!


  1. It will be beautiful! Can't wait to see it.

  2. I'm impressed you are even attempting to sew something. I can't even get buttons on. My kids know to ask my husband if something needs stitching. It's funny, I'm really domestic in some ways, but sewing is not one of them. Nor is ironing....
