Monday, September 20, 2010

This Weekend

I had a pretty good weekend this weekend.  I got a few things done that I've been meaning to do and we also went out on Saturday night.

Here's a list of what I did:
Went out for dinner at the Sky Tower.
Watched a couple of movies: The Blind Side and Universal Solider sequel.
Re-potted Willy the Christmas Tree (yes I named my mini Christmas tree)
Potted my cherry tomato plant
Bought a new vacuum cleaner and got rid of my POS old one
Vacuumed the whole place with the new vacuum cleaner
Went for a run
Planted more vegetable seeds for my family: bell pepper, summer spinach and cherry tomatoes
Finished sewing my top

The new vacuum was really expensive, but by golly it cleans the carpet good.   I spent quite a bit more than I anticipated, but I must say it is worth every cent. It has a power brush which is self-motorized unlike the turbo heads which are air driven.  I bought the Sebo K 3 Airbelt Vulcano, a German brand (and made in Germany).  It has a very high standard HEPA filter system so is excellent for people with allergies.  I really noticed the difference after vacuuming with the Sebo; we only live in a small one bedroom 1/2 villa, so the carpeted area isn't very huge.  Even so, I filled half, maybe three quarters of the bag today.  It just pulls so much crap out of your carpet....disgusting!  I even used it to vacuum our mattress, I reckon there must be so much crap lying in there.  I noticed quite a big difference smell-wise after vacuuming, just a "nothing" smell really; no mustiness from dust.

Whenever I buy a new appliance big or small I always try and save up and buy quality products.  I've been wanting to buy a new vacuum since January this year but I've been saving and saving and waiting off because other bills have come up.  I don't see any point in buying cheap stuff that won't do the job properly and then having to spend more money in a year or two.  In the long run it ends up being more expensive as you have to replace the appliance more often.

I see this kinda thing in my job all the time, except people expect the cheap stuff to last such a long time.  I don't understand that mentality at all!  They buy the cheapest product in the store and expect it to last as long as the best quality product in the store....DUH!


  1. i love new vacuums! i'm such a nerd!
    i'm a nanny and the people i work for just got a new vacuum. i had to use it, and enjoyed every minute.
    like i said, i'm a nerd.
    hope it lasts a very long time for you!

  2. I'm a bit of an appliance nerd myself. When I got my new washing machine, I actually watched it do the washing... LOL.

    The guy at the store reckoned it would last about 15 years, which is awesome.
